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Being Hanged, Drawn, And Quartered Was History's Worst Execution Method

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In 14th-century England, no crime was worse than trying to betray the crown. So as a warning to those who would commit treason, being hanged, drawn, and quartered was born. Loyset Liédet/Wikimedia CommonsA prisoner being hanged, drawn, and quartered in France. In the days before there was really an official police force to catch criminals, many societies focused on trying to stop people from committing crimes in the first place. Usually, that meant making it very clear that even the pettiest crimes would be brutally punished with a public execution. Read More...

Beryl Hovious, The Ex-Wife Of Notorious Criminal John Dillinger

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When 17-year-old Beryl Hovious met John Dillinger at a party, she described him as a perfect gentleman who went out of his way to make her smile — a far cry from the infamous criminal he would become.Monroe County History CenterA signed photo of Beryl Hovious in 1924. Beryl Hovious was an ordinary girl — apart from her marriage to one of America’s most infamous gangsters. At only 17 years old, Hovious married John Dillinger and began her life with him in 1920s Indiana. Read More...

Four Of History's Most Dangerous Theme Park Rides

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History’s Most Dangerous Theme Park Rides: Lightning Source: Theme Park Review Conceived by renown roller coaster designer Harry Traver in 1927, the Revere Beach Lightning was one of the most dangerous roller coasters of its day. Lightning was created as the first in a trio of coasters that were meant to provide a jarring ride through sharp turns and sudden inclines all at incredibly exhilarating speeds. Within the second day of operation, though, the first fatality was recorded on the Lightning and the ride would soon become infamous for shaking its riders so violently that they would experience bruising or life threatening injuries. Read More...


News (1892)