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2,000-Year-Old Roman Makeup And Hair Products Found In Turkey

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The excavation of a shop in the ancient city of Aizanoi also revealed perfumes, jewelry, and hair accessories. Anadolu AjansiArchaeologists found makeup fragments in brightly-colored hues in the remains of a cosmetics shop in Aizanoi. Archaeologists recently unearthed the remains of a Roman cosmetic and jewelry shop in Turkey. Excavations of the ancient city of Aizanoi in modern-day western Turkey have focused on the area near the Temple of Zeus in Anatolia, which was listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List in 2012, according to Anadolou Agency. Read More...

47 Dust Bowl Pictures That Capture The Desperation Of The Great Depression

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These stark, heart-wrenching Dust Bowl pictures reveal both the vast scope and intimate despair of this tragic time. Children of a migrant fruit worker in Berrien County, Michigan, July 1940.John Vachon/Farm Security Administration via New York Public Library Farm machinery buried by a dust storm near a barn lot in Dallas, South Dakota, May 1936.United States Department of Agriculture via Wikimedia Commons Thirty-two-year-old Florence Owens Thompson with three of her seven children at a pea pickers' camp in Nipomo, California, March 1936. Read More...

5,000-Year-Old Wine Jars Found In Ancient Egyptian Tomb

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Hundreds of sealed and uncontaminated wine jars were found in the tomb of Queen Merneith in the ancient Egyptian city of Abydos.Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and AntiquitiesQueen Merneith may have been the first female pharaoh of Egypt. Archaeologists just unearthed hundreds of sealed and unopened wine jars at the Umm El Qa’āb necropolis in the ancient city of Abydos in Egypt. The team of researchers came across the wine jars while excavating the tomb of Queen Merneith, who was possibly the first female pharaoh of Egypt during the First Dynasty. Read More...


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